In 2000 we participated in the EPHJ, its second edition, when it was still held in Lausanne.
It was a springboard for us, during this exhibition we met many new customers and thanks to these contacts we realized remarkable products.
The stand was small, we were a start-up at that time, the original antique furniture was lent to us by the famous antiquarian of Lausanne, Michel Marguet, as well as the paintings of Romandian artists hanging from the partitions and Persian carpets.
A beautiful presentation that has attracted many people.
At that time we used the brand IMCODE Image Corporate Design but then we resigned to use only and exclusively today
At that time the marketing departments of the watch brands still came and showed interest, lately less, but the exhibition remains very beautiful and very important.
In 2019 we participated again but as a partner of CDF Emballages of La Chaux Fonds, our friends and business partners.